
Aug 31, 2019

Derbyshire, Pots and Food Festival and Herefordshire Art week...Two great events - 6th 15th September

Herefordshire Arts week opens for us at Wobage on the Friday evening the 6th of September, continuing till the following Sunday the 15th. Do come and share some pizza, wine and chat, and see the latest pieces from the kilns. Kitchen wood, Baskets, Textiles, Jewellery, sculpture and Collographs  also on sale and new to Wobage is the glass of Nina Casson Mcgarva...  her glass jewellery will be on display for this particular show.  Nina also makes stunning Glass sculptures, these are currently out on Exhibition this time.

The Wardlow Mires - Pots and food Festival is one not to miss if you love both. Celebrating the love good pots and shared food is top on my list of loves in life.  This selling festival very much encompasses all that ...  i so enjoy the atmosphere of this show.  Come and see me there and or here at Wobage!! The three Stags Head,Wardlow Mires, Derbyshire, SK17 8RW.
7th - 8th september.