
Mar 8, 2021

Dear customers… an opportunity arises!!

This is a well established craft fair that has been operating for many years already, and is now promoting an online craft festival at the end of this month. 

I wouldn’t have imagined myself to be taking part in such an event, so its an unexpected and positive outcome for me.  This may well be a door opening for you too: viewing craft from a wider group of craftspeople from the UK and further afield. The Festival site will host films and zoom introductions with craft makers, alongside many events over the weekend. So what’s not to loose, never know what you might discover or even buy! 

Pots  from my latest kiln firings that i am especially pleased with are being posted onto my digital  shop periodically . Pots that you see of mine on the on the digital Festival website will be held for the special weekend itself, so if there is something you like……..My digital shop has been dusted down right now, with new special pieces ready for new homes!  Its just one click to take a look.

Also if you follow me on Instagram i will update/highlight the event as the craft festival weekend unfolds.